Monday, February 07, 2005

Ralph Klein sometimes makes perfect sense

I heard an item on the radio the other day from Alberta. Ralph Klein the often maligned defender of common sense Premier commented that he was considering removing any Provincial Tax associated with health clubs. His rationale was that if people exercise regularly they will be healthy and as such would cost the Province less for their health care.

Doesn't that make perfect sense, rewarding people for being active and particpating in exercise that every one of us knows contibutes to us leading a healthier and more productive and longer life. The personal rewards are huge, practioners feel better and have a higher level of self esteem There is a great feeling of accomplishment by being able to stick to something and proving to onesself that we have self discipline. The societal benefits are that the person leading an active healthy lifestyle relieves pressure the resources of our health care system by spending less time at the doctors office. way to go Ralph

Then we have the other end of the spectre. I believe here on Prince Edward Island we come in near the bottom of the pile when it comes to taking care of ourselves. One of the varieties of potatoes we have become adept at producing seems to be of the couch variety. I doubt if anyone on PEI would put up an argument there is personal and societal benefit to packing on the pounds. The person who contributes to their unhealthy condition because of their choice of lifestyle pay a personal penalty and society a financial one by having to maintain a health infrastructure that is more than it has to be.

In a bold move to reward a group of Islanders who have chosen to be active by walking regularly and spending time in the great outdoors by hitting a little white ball around, our Government has decided to penalize this group. Incidentally by participating in this exercise a whole industry is supported and people have jobs at the 26 Golf courses which seems to me like a good thing.

The reward for leading a healthier life here on PEI is that we now have to pay an additional 10% tax as our reward for costing the public purse less for our health care. I know that each year over the course of the golf season I lose 15 pounds from the walking I do and certainly feel better because of the regular exercise.

I resent this tax more than any other monies I contribute to government, it doesn't bother me to contribute my share towards keeping our public infrastructures in place but there is something basically wrong with this. And what is the rationalization for being so activity selective. I believe the same mean spirited arguement could be made for applying the tax to a whole range of good healthy activities, what about curling, bowling, canoeing, tennis, softball or soccer are all candidates for what is nothing less than tax grab, it gives the same benefits to those who participate.

Hooray Gov't of Alberta for applying some logic and far sightedness in rewarding a healthy lifestyle, for shame Gov't of Prince Edward Island for what you have done in penalizing Islanders who are finding enjoyment in a healthy activity they love.


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