Monday, April 04, 2005

I recently learned something about myself

A few weeks ago I started taking Karate lessons and was stunned to discover that I am unable to do something different with each arm at the same time. This was revealed to me when I tried doing an exercise where we would punch out with one arm turning the knuckles up and simultaneously pulling the other in to your side and turning the knuckles down. I couldn't do it unless I broke the motions into two distinct parts, punch out and turn knuckles up, hesitate for a moment then pull other arm to my side and turn knuckles down but if I tried them both at once my brain just fries. This revelation explains a lot of things in my life and I can't believe that it took me 59 years to figure this out.

The first indication came when I was trying to learn how to juggle. I simply couldn't do it, not even with just 2 balls. When threw one up I couldn't do anything else until it came down and I had caught it. If I tried throwing up another ball before I caught the first one it was a disaster. I didn't dwell on it that Glenn Pushman, the stupidest kid in class could do it and I couldn't. He was the only person I ever knew as a kid who would fart anytime, anywhere around anyone, and took no measures to conceal it, as a farting juggler he had no equal.

My disability with the 2 hand thing also crippled me as a guitar and piano player. I am unable to take in the information fast enough to produce anything that flows with either instrument. But I didn't have as much difficulty with the violin for some reason.


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