Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Bring back the Lash.

I have a very unpopular opinion on how to prevent crime and vandalism in our youth and those engaging in drug offences.

I think we should have public adminstration of justice once a week. In the wintertime it could be held on the main stage at the Confederation Centre of the Arts to allow people to come in from the cold. In fact I think we could even turn it into a tourist attraction and make a few bucks. I even have some candidates for the first show. Over the past weekend some delinquents drove around town smashing windows in cars and houses, there were quite a few that were reported and details are in the paper, and Miles and Renae's car was one that had a smashed window.

So these guys are caught, now here is how our present system works. Apprehension, where they are brought in and interviewed, followed by possibly a day in court or more likely a settlement where they have to apologize. If they go to court they might get a fine with no follow up as far as collection goes, maybe visit a probation officer a few times. The bottom line is that there is no real punishment and and no real consequences for what they did, the only consequences are to the victims.

Now here is my solution. Shackle these little pricks for their appearance before the court of public opinion, do a little advertising because I am sure these same guys have built up a reputation with a lot of people. Lead them out onto the main stage in front of the townsfolk and read the charges, give them an opportunity to explain why they decided it would be a good idea to go out and smash a bunch of property belonging to people who they never even met. Maybe they will have a good explantion (laughter). Read what the results of this mayhem was, how it affected people etc.

Now the good part. Bend them over a nice strurdy bench and drop their pants enough to expose their buttocks. Bring a husky policeman with about a 5 foot cane. ( It would be therapeutic for the cops to, because finally they would see some justice dealt out) I think about 6 solid strokes for an offence like that would be fine, enough to make sure the humiliation was matched with the appropriate amount of tears and crying. I say 6 strokes because thats what the Singapore court, who have experience in these things dealt out to the American kid who went on a car scratching spree while visiting that country got.

Remember the incident in Singapore that got all the Americans worked up when an American kid was caught scratching cars with a key. The Singapore court sentenced him to 6 strokes with a cane. Even President Clinton tried to intervene. The Liberal press went wild, the talk shows had fodder for a week or so and the editorial pages were filled with protests. Funny thing is, Singapore has virtually no crime and no vandalism, streets are clean, citizens are safe, its a nice place to live. Children excel in school in a environment where they can learn because there are no spoiled brats that are allowed to get away with mayhem. Compare that to here, lenient courts, schools can't discipline and when a little prince or princess cracks someone with a stick a vicious timeout is administered followed by a counselling session to get hostile feelings out and a dish of ice cream. No wonder we have so many youth that are an embarrassment to themselves and their families.

Like I said it could become a tourist attraction and would bring a sense to the thousands of victims of senseless crimes that maybe there is a bit of justice left in the world. As far as a deterrence method, do you think it might make them think about whether the pleasure they got from smashing something was worth the pain of having a blistered ass.

In the summertime we could move it to Saturday nights at the Charlottetown Driving Park. Might help build up the crowds and maybe we could get it simulcast as I am sure there would be lots of frustrated people who got completely screwed by the court system when they were victimized that would tune in.

So there you have it, I rest my case.


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Justin MacLeod said...

Jimbo you need to tune into "Extreme Akim", this is the TV show called "Eye for an Eye" that George and I discovered while down in Dominican. It's like Judge Judy but instead of a gavel he uses a baseball bat with the word "Justice" branded on it, and he dishes out his version of justice that I think is in line with what you've posted here about the lash!! Search him up on YouTube!


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