Thursday, November 06, 2008


I wanted to save this nonsense somewhere and will respond in more detail when I have time.
Guardian Oct 6/2008
Just the facts:Why redraw P.E.I.’s map?The Federation of P.E.I. Municipalities says all of the province needs to be incorporated. It says communities could keep their name and identity, but would be governed by a much larger body.Here’s why they say change is needed:— Municipal governments are underfinanced;— Only 10 per cent of the province falls under municipal land use plans; — Sprawl is expensive, and it costs more to maintain roads, transport children to school, collect garbage, and install and operate water and wastewater systems; — Only 30 per cent of the Island’s land base is covered by a municipality, and most smaller municipalities don’t have emergency measures plans; — Loss of agriculture land;— Land use conflicts;— Car dependent communities;— Environmental degradation;— Loss of wildlife.

Response on the Guardian blog.
wondering about it from pei writes: There are reasons why many people desire to live away from populated areas and I like the choice. It seems our municipality is doing just fine, except that we now have to drive about 40 miles to get rid of a bag of garbage and run trucks up and down our roads every day hauling away what we used to manage by ourselves. Our school was just fine until they decided to amalgamate after grade 9 and drive our kids an extra 30 miles a day. If you understood the shambles the EMO has always been in you would be scared. If something major ever happend, believe me it would get figured out quick enough what to do. Please someone tell me what is wrong with losing some agricultural land, there is no one to farm a lot of it anyway. The minute you try to put a land use plan in place you automatically start conflicts, where there was none in the past. And it is immediately out of date the moment it is implemented. So what is wrong with a car dependant community?? The only environmental degradation I see is where the cities are. That land used to be woods and meadows with lots of birds and animals living where there is now pavement and buildings. Please keep your nonsense about incorporating to yourselves and if anyone chooses to live in a congested area, crowded to gether like a bunch of rats, living lives governed by traffic lights, sewage smells, night clubs, waterfront noise, congestion and a fast food outlet on any corner, well go ahead. I really don't want my property tax dollars supporting such a system, I'll remain living where I have some space and not a whole lot of other peoples rules.


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