Sunday, October 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Sweetie Pies

Two of my grand daughters are having their Birthdays today and the whole crew is assembling at my place for a big pot luck birthday celebration, all 6 of my kids and 13 grandchildren. Was a man ever so blessed. If I can figure out how to post pictures on here I will put some up of the big party.

I've been up to some skullduggery though, the Birthday cake that someone purchased yesterday and I found this morning on the kitchen counter is missing some icing. Somehow some icing detached along one side and a slab fell off, I discovered that you don't just put it back on without doing some serious damage to the cake so I have reversed it in the package and have it now displayed with the wound against the wall so no one can see my fingerprints where I tried to push it back into place. Honest thats what happened, I'm calling it an act of God.

Happy Birthday Ava and Avelyn


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