John Says Future Shop is the Craps
John Rowe had quite a run in with Future Shop the other day, his experience makes you wonder who does their customer relationship training, he thinks it might be somone from the Soprano family.
He needed a new laptop so shopped around and found what he wanted at Future Shop the price was a bit better than Dell or Staples so he set out to buy it. He reviewed all the details of the laptop with the salesman and verified the price. We don't have a Company Credit Card so he checked with the store to find out about payment. They said they would take a certified check. So he came back to the office and got a check and took it down to the Bank to get it certified and returned to Future Shop. At this point they informed him they didn't have one in stock. OK John said "how about that one". "We can't sell that one" they replied.
Hmmm he thought, why the hell didn't you tell me this when you knew I was going down to get a check.
OK when can you get one then, next week was the reply. But you can't have it for that price.
"But" John said, its right here in the flyer thats the price and you already told me it was. "Mistake" the saleman said, its only in some stores even though they advertise it Nationally.
Sometimes there is a case for justifiable homicide.