Saturday, October 29, 2005

Hand in my Pocket, hand in my Pocket

I think I discovered why politicians try so hard to cling to office, they have so darn much fun taxing people. Wow talk about the ultimate freak out lift to the stratosphere, shit on everybody who ever wronged you power trip. Being a politician on the winning side is definitely the place to be.

And to top it off if you are a politician you get to doubly crap over the heads of the masses when you decide that, because you are a "special person: you can create "exempt allowances for yourself," that allow you to live the elevated life style and not pay the tax piper. Excuse me while I finish with the results of a shoving a finger down my throat. In my opinion every time they dip into the royal treasury and start ladling the contents into their rice bowls they are stealing from me and every other hard working Canadian. These guys need to be reminded about the third commandment, "Though shall not steal".

I don't mind most money spent on Education, Health, Defence and Social Programs to help those who are hungry and for any number of legitimate reasons are having difficulty in making their way through life. Can I make a further definition on that last point, I don't consider criminals, drug addicts or dealers and just plain old lazy fucks as being legitimate beneficiaries to the money milk coming from the public teat.

And having the power to tax can be highly addictive because it gives you a high to be able to solve peoples problems, kind of a fly by the seat of your pants Dr. Phil" and the prevailing thought around government is that with enough money you can solve every problem anyone can throw at you. But you know what I have learned in life, having money or control of money causes as many problems as it solves and this increases with the less you do to get it.

We are fed a constant diet of politicians handing out cheques and getting their pictures in the papers. People are so fffing stupid they make the connection that this must be a good guy because he's giving money to all these causes and projects. Give your head a shake it's not their money. What I hear is that little ditty that is being played on TV now "hand in my pocket" hand in my pocket.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Labchuk, NDP, Tree Hugger Blues

We are having a plebiscite here on Prince Edward Island on Nov 28 to see if we want to change how we elect our Provincial Government. The idea of proportional representation is being floated around and I will be voting "NO" and encouraging those around me to also give a hefty sound of "Raaaaspberries" to this kookie notion.

At one time I would have been all for it, say about 40 years ago when I was still idealistic and supported all kinds of nonsensical issues. I use to burn me when I supported the NDP for instance and only a handful of MP's would be elected even though the popular vote showed there should have been more. But you know what, looking back there shouldn't have been more sent to Ottawa than were elected the good old fashioned way, first past the post.

The way I analyze it third place parties with fringe ideas play a role the way the current system works. These minor parties are always going to attract the screwball set. And its great there is a place for them to be accommodated, but I really don't want their total agenda forced on me. I was a big NDP supporter years ago and the NDP party of the Sixties and 70's did this country an enormous service by raising issues into the public agenda. But I couldn't support all of their policies because they just didn't fit with my values or make common sense. The problem with them is they go to far and that's why I never want to see narrow focused groups with to much power. The middle of the road parties will evaluate the ideas coming from extreme left, right and single issue groups, mull them over, and when the collective wisdom of millions of Canadians judge these ideas to be correct they are fit into our system of political agendas.

In Wednesdays Guardian newspaper there is a story that outlines exactly what I am trying to get across and I quote ' A coalition of labour, feminist and activist groups stepped forward to declare themselves the "Yes on MMP (Mixed Member Proportional) Coalition. These people just don't get it, I think part of the appeal of working outside the system is to be able to wail at night how everyone is against them and they are "after all special people, with special needs, that no one understands" . I say smarten the fuck up. These people have something that parties with a broad based agenda would love to have working for them, enthusiasm, passion, energy but these birds just don't know how to get past their single issues. They need to take their blinders off and work within the middle of the road groups to move their agendas forward by degrees, that's how you get things done. But the downside is they miss out on being able to feel sorry for themselves and that feeling of righteousness that comes from the bolstering of their wackiness from their closed group of friends. Rational people might ask them to take a broader look at their issues and what the hell fun would that be.

I really hate the idea of having a Government composed of a hundred warring factions, that's no way to run a railroad. And a move to proportional representation would also lead to that most hated political game ever invented and elevated to a fine art in the United States the "rider". Minority Governments end up surviving by participating in the market of the buying and selling of votes. If you want my vote and believe me these birds are so desperate to hang onto their power if it can be spun they'll deal for it. So we get legislation supported that is not palatable pushed through as part of the deal. Just look at the way things are unfolding in Ottawa right now. The NDP are forcing the Liberals to be fiscally irresponsible because if they don't, they won't get their support in critical votes, I call it Government by blackmail.

In the US they are more sophisticated but also more greedy. When you are on a powerful committee crafting important legislation, members will attach a rider that must be included in order to get their support. Usually these riders are very self serving for the riding the politician represents and have nothing to do with the bill being considered. If the bill is to establish rules for granting school lunches to underprivileged kids, someone on the committee will attach a "rider" that might say " Bunionville has to get a $20,000.000.00 economic development grant". Because the sections of the bill are all approved at once, the game is "I won't support it getting out of committee unless you give me this". Add a few more riders and you get pork barreling at its worst or best depending on your point of view.

But then again maybe I could make this work for me, you see I am a member of a group that got pissed on by Government last year. I'm a golfer and am not happy that Government put a Tax on my membershp and on green fees paid, there is about 10,000 others just like me and we could form a bloc of angry litte slicing, hooking bastards that could recognize this as a chance for a mulligan. We could register as a party and have the golfers coalition vote us in as second choice, that could give us a seat or two and we could sell our vote to get have the Tax removed. But what a bitch this could turn out to be, someone would have to sit in the Legislature and listen to this cranky bunch day after day to collect their $45,000.00 which is tough when you have no political agenda beyond dropping the 10% tax on golf.

But it could be interesting though, maybe Sharon Labchuk would make it and if I was the poor bugger who had to give up my spring and fall golf I could be there when she trades in her potatoe field protest to sit buck naked on the desk next to me. That I think I could take, in small doses, but if Leo Broderick makes it I'm afraid I could only last through one of his high pitched 500 word a minute whine sessions before an assault an battery would take place. I could become the Todd Bertuzzi of the PEI legislature and Leo could be my Stevie Moore.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Is This Guy for Real

I see in the newpaper that Svend Robinson is going to challenge Hedy Frey in the riding of Vancouver Centre. Please, Please Hedy kick the shit out of this guy at the polls so I never have to be revolted by either seeing him on TV again or listening to him spout his self serving and ridiculous crap again.

I was listening to Bruce Kidd this morning on CBC radio as he was making the case for not allowing Todd Bertuzzi or Dany Heatley represent Canada at the Olympic games because they didn't represent what he thought was the stereotype of a typical Canadian and their values. I get so sick of these pantywastes and their righteous indignations, but then I guess its our right as Canadians to have opinions, that is, its OK if your opinion happens to support the belief system of the touchy feely boys.

Ok Bruce you have the right to say you don't think they are fit to be hockey players and represent Canada because of the rough tough life they live, well I don't think that Svend is fit to be a Member of Parliament.

Todd Bertuzzi was one of the participants in an unfortunate accident where Steve Moore from Colorado who blindsided one of Bertuzzi's teammates wouldn't take the honourable route and settle things the way they have always been settled in Canadian hockey with a good old 30 second fight. And Dany Heatley as a young man with a Ferrarri was involved in a car accident in which his friend was killed, terrible thing and he has repeatedly said his irresponsibility is going to haunt him forever. So those two incidents make them unfit to play hockey for Canada. I watched the many press conferences these guys had to endure, and you know what, I was a hell of a lot more convinced that the tears these MEN shed were a lot more real than anything that Svend squeezed out. And you know the difference they weren't crying over themselves they were torn apart by what happened to someone else as a result of actions they took which they freely admitted they were responsible for, thats what real men do, not whine about themselves. Did I hear you say they should be in the same category as those using drugs?

Lets hear about Robinson and what his special personality traits are that make him a prime candidate for helping run our country.

* Married his high school sweetheart but she divorced him when he cheated on her with a man.
Way to go Svend thats what being a Canadian is all about. Don't you think th RIGHT thing to do was to speak to her and tell her about your feelings for men instead of her having to catch you.

*Became an alcoholic as his way to cope with his mothers death.
My mother died to but I don't recall needing to have a drink 20 times a day to make me right. We all have major times of tragedy in our lives but the rest of us pick up the pieces and move on, its called strength of character Svend.

*Became a lawyer, but left the profession after a year.
Way to stick it out Svend

* Was removed by his party as Justice critic after he publicly came out in favour of establishing red light districts and making whorehouses legal.
Just what we need to help prop up the families of the nation a whorehouse on every corner. Tommy Douglas, Stanley Knowles and David Lewis the architects of the core human rights we enjoy would roll over in their graves if they knew the causes their beloved NDP party was now promoting. Svend even you are way to far to the left for the likes of Jack Layton.

* Heckles President Ronald Reagan in the House of Commons after he has accepted an invitaion to address the MP's.
Most people learn on their mothers knee that you are polite to a guest. What a prick you are Svend to go headline hunting with such a cheap exhibition to a captive audience.

*Sentenced to jail for criminal contempt
Helps kill Sue Rodriguez for a publicity stunt

* Gets hurt while hiking and credits his love for his boyfriend as the reason he survived by crawling 400 yards.
What the fuck kind of gooney bird is this guy, he sprained his ankle.

* Tables a petition in the House of Commons to remove the word God from the preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Svend before I checked up on you I just dismissed you as being a bit misguided but now I am seeing a pattern emerging I don't think you are a nice person.

* Travels to the Middle East to try an see Yassar Arafat, who refuses to meet with him.
Even Yassar knows a fruit cake when he sees one and he won't even let this one in the country let alone in his office.

* After a few days in Israel and no one will give him the time of day he pronounces that Israel is guity of torture and murder. He then resigns as NDP Foreign policy critic.
Wow Svend you sure showed them a thing or two.

* Svend steals a $64,000.00 diamond ring and after he realizes he has been caught on tape (anyone who doesn't think he got tipped off please step forward - no one thats what I thought) he fesses up.
His track record to this point makes me question a lot of things about this bird, this clinches it this guy is a cheating, lying, publicity seeking, unbelieving, man with no sense of morality who is nothing more than a petty thief who is not above trying to use every ounce of political correctness to his advantage to have to get off. What a weasel

* Instead of standing up like a man and admitting his guilt he whines about how his love for his partner and the stress he was under made him do it, so he really wasn't responsible.
Come on Svend even an asshole like me knows from my limited exposure to Doctor Phil that there is some serious sick shit going on in the head of anyone who can't accept repsonsibility for their actions.

And you know what, I bet the NDP leadership is cheering Hedy on, come on Hedy put on those stompin boots, get his shrivelled little nuts into those vice grips! I think the NDP leadership all got the same sick feeling in their stomachs when he announced his return as Lucy had when she moaned her famous lament, "Aaaaarrrrggggh--- my lips touched dog lips"

So Bruce baby I rest my case. This sick depraved, spineless piece of humanity isn't suitable in my opinion to be elected to be a local dog catcher let alone be given a stage like the house of Commons.

But wait there is a special kind of disgusting reality called political correctness that will protect this sick puppy. He can't be held responsible for anything because, if he is ever criticized for anything, he plays the "you are discriminating against me because I am gay card".
No wonder this country is in such trouble.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Crappy Electrical System in 2002 Sonata

I finally bought what could pass for a luxury car in October of 2002. I had thought about something like a Toyota Corolla Above - Pic of Hyundai Presidents Curse which would have been the wiser move, but the Greenish coloured Sonata looked and rode just to nice. I took out a 2002 Camry at the same time and the Sonata rode and handled better.

All in all I have been reasonably satisfied with it, it has to many miles on it 161,000 at last count, but thats what you get when you live in the country. My wife is described well by an old PEI saying "She runs the roads al lot, but she makes good pickles". I guess that makes everyting allright.

Anyway last spring the park lights wouldn't turn off which of course is going to run the battery down so I have to remove a fuse to shut them off. The problem is that when the fuse is out the taillights don't come on, so whenever we want to use the car at night I have to pop the hood, get into the fuse box and install a fuse. Then when I get out of the car I have to reverse the process. I have had a mechanic look at it twice and spend about an hour trying to find the problem. I took it over to Hyundia and they said replace the circuits that hold the fuses because trying to find the problem could take a long time. The cost $700.00, that really pisses me off a frigging little box that I am being gouged for. Hell I can buy a whole computer for less.

So my comment of the day is "The pox on Hyundai". Actually pox isn't exactly pox its syphillis. So, President of Hyundai when you start to break out with scabs on your dickie I want you to know that if you put a reasonable price on your electrical parts this wouldn't have happened to you. Try explaining that to your wife.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Trouble with Teachers

When I first sat on a school board it didn't take long to understand that the whole education system is totally fucked up because of teachers and teachers federations. Sounds like an off the wall, don't give this guy a shred of credibility kind of statement, but when I explain some simple facts you will understand why its true.

Have you noticed how many times that whole industries have gone bankrupt because of employees unions. Have you noticed that militant unions are concerned with only one thing, themselves, and that they all operate from the same basic philosophy, get more for yourselves and do less for it. Something I have noticed about Buzz Hargrove, he isn't looking to do things better for the Company that is writing everyones paycheque, he's always looking at, more for less.
No different than any other labour leader, protect the interests of the membership at all costs. Union leaders don't give about a rats ass about the industry that supports them.

Take the case of the Teachers Federation in British Columbia, they have walked off the job and the issues are:
1. More money
2. Smaller class sizes
and at a news conference the Teachers federation leader stood up and with a straight face and declared, "we are doing this to take a stand for public education. What the fuck does that have to do about whats going on. Can't make the connection myself but then as my wife constantly reminds me, "I'm not all that smart".

But I have learned a few things from my love of the game of golf that I think apply, and they are simple truths.

The first is, "if you have a poor swing and don't correct it, you will never have a good golf game."

The second is " if you keep practicing your poor swing you will get better at doing something badly". Now how does this have anything to do with our education system, and here it comes.

First you have to accept a few things before we look to solve the education problem.

1. The primary responsibility being practiced by every Teachers Federation is to strengthen the postion of teachers within the education system, not to improve the education system itself. The question that is asked by every teachers representative about any proposed change is " what effect does this have on the teacher." If you accept that as reality then try this statement that comes from every teachers mouth , "all we care about are the children" That one wouldn't even fool Col Sherman T. Potter who when he heard it bellowed to radar O'Reilly "Horsehockey". Translation - Bullcrap, when it comes down to it they care about those paycheques and having to do less, wrapping it up in "what we really care about is a better education for the children" is a wonderful feely good statement that masks the way the are screwing up kids lives.

I remember in the small Saskatchewan Town of Nokomis in about 1963 or 4. There was a car accident and two young people from the Town were killed. The liquor was supplied by a guy who lived on the edge of town, can't remember his last name, Russian I think, but everyone knew him as CPR Joe. He bootlegged some booze to these kids and they got drunked up rolled a car and they died. I was underage at the time and was visiting with my two uncles. Somehow we ended up at a party and Joe was there, he was bemoaning the fact that it wasn't fair that he was being blamed for the kids death, after all he said through an alcohol fueled logic that " all he was trying to do was help them out". I guess somehow that made him feel better and he was probably working at believing it but if you are standing on the outside you realize how ridiculous it is. Same thing with teachers "its all about helping the children" Bullcrap "its all about helping the teachers get more and do less. But the real saddness of the whole situation is that a sytem that clearly is failing so many children is being perpetuated. Guess what the weak link in the system is "The Teachers Themselves" and here's why, because the system (designed by teachers - administered by teachers - evaluated by teachers ) depends upon teachers as the center of the system, around which everything revolves. And when the system doesn't work they blame the curricullum, the class size, the facilities, a lack of money, social situations everything but the teacher.

And the teachers federations have worked hard to remove themselves from ever being evaluated, remember when there were Provincial exams and every kid in the system wrote the same tests at the end of the year. Seems to me that it wouldn't be to hard to figure out that if every kid in Mrs Bullcraps class was 15 points behind the Provincial average that their might be a problem with Mrs Bullcrap. So they have removed themselves from ever being held responsible for failures. If I remember right their main argument was that it wouldn't be fair to compare teachers when some taught in uppercrustville elementary and others in dogpatch, something about stronger gene pools.

Now I want you to think how the system would be turned upside down if we make a simple shift in in our thinking about the rights of a student. Don't we base our existing thinking about schools place in society on this premise ' Every child has a right to an education". Doesn't hang anybody out to dry, its like saying Moms are great, on the surface its like, as American as apple pie. But use your imagination and base our system on this alternate statement. "Every child has the right to be in an environment where they can learn". Whoa now, half the kids I know of don't learn worth a shit when the sytem supports a dependancy upon Mrs Bullcrap as the centrepiece of the learning game. So if thats true then we have to look at alternatives where the prime factor in whether your child learns anything more than colouring inside the lines is not the teacher, its the system itself. The answer by the Teachers Federation is more professional development days, smaller class size and more resources, but don't change anything that diminshes the status of teachers. How innovative is that.

Everyone can remember back to their schooldays and I bet there is not one of us that can't name the good teachers and the bad ones. My list of good teachers is not that long and the ones on it could teach anything to anybody. But the others, man what a bunch of losers, uninteresting, unmotivating and unable to hold anyones interest. In fact with the bad ones if you weren't able to educate yourself you wouldn't make much progress in those classes. In todays classroom its compounded by the fact that if little Johnny doesn't want to pay attention but wants to talk and cause a disturbance all day long there is almost nothing that the teacher can do about it.

My kids all went a small school after we moved to PEI and how their education went was dependant on two things down at the school, who was in the class and who the teacher was. for those that started grade one with a juvenile delinquent or two in the class they had to endure their constant disrupting of the classs for nine years. That problem child robbed the other 25 of an education at the same level as those in a class where there was no class clown, and no Mrs Bullcrap. I wonder if I could start a class action lawsuit, not to get anything but to get the issue of the negative effect of having a bad apple in a class on the public agenda. You see, having discipline in a classrom goes against the new premise I introduced about being in an environment in which they can learn.

The behaviour problem in the class can't learn in that open environment because it gives them a forum to act out all the fucked up stuff stuff they have inside and it doesn't place the student who wants to learn in the ideal situation because they are constantly being distracted by little Johnny screw up and not being motivated by Mrs Bullcrap who is the center of the learning experience, the environment isn't there for anyone.

So what do we do about it, first we look at how classrooms are set up and look at alternatives to rows, big rooms and teacher at the front, then establish the different ways in which the curriculum can be presented to each student, then we take a look at what is the best way to create an environment where everyone can thrive academically.

Let me give you an example of a system we used when we started a private school and I am sure there are additional innovative methods being used that cut to the heart of the education dilemna.

In a square room face all the kids towards and outside wall with stations(desks) having about 4 feet of room. Then put up a wall divider between each desk so that each child has about a 4 x 4 space that is theirs, they can't see or disturb the child on either side of them. This is an important step because it creates an environment where the class clown is out of site, he no longer has a stage. When the teacher is talking they turn their chairs around and face the centre of the room where the teacher is.

Instead of having large textbooks, have small ones that each contain about three weeks of material that is contained in a workbook that the kids can write in do their assignments. That puts the information and the exercises in the same book. When the child has completed the workbook they take a test on the three weeks of work in the book. If they pass with 80% they get the next book , if they don't they get the same book again and they repeat it until they know the work well enough to move on. If you keep moving kids ahead when they don' understand the work that future lessons are built on how can they do well. That why we have kids in Grade 9 who can hardly read or understand basic math.

Using workbooks many children are able to learn by themselves with minimal interaction with a teacher. This frees the teachers time to spend more one on one time with those that need extra help or to conduct small sessions at a table for small groups while others work away by themselves. This is possible because when each child has their own workspace they are free from distractions.

By breaking the learning experience into a series of three week modules and removing the teacher from being the center of learning and relying more on a system, it is possible to keep children in a classroom setting where they remain in an age group, but each child can be at a different place in their learning journey because the idea of grades has been abandoned. It is not uncommon to have a two year spread in the progress of students using this system and it is no ones business but the childs, the parents and the teacher where each child is at.

Our experience with this caused some problems but not with what you would expect. Some of the teachers had difficulty adapting at first because they suddenly realized that these kids were succeeding and the teachers role had changed to being a facilitator rather than the leader.
The second problem we encountered in the second year of operation was that many of the kids were moving to far ahead of what would be expected at a grade level so we had to expand the curricullum horizontally and offer more subjects.

The third problem we had was that even by expanding to offer more subjects the kids were still progressing to fast so we had to reduce the school week to 4 days. This was done by having school finish at 12 noon on Wednesdays and by having every Friday afternoon as a school activity day where the kids just had fun. The Wednesday afternoon off each week meant parents could schedule any appointments involving children on that day and it gave the teachers a midweek break to evaluate the students, discuss any issues they had or search for more effective ways to run things.

Some of the other innovations we used was that on Monday mornings each child set a goal for work during the week and had control over which subjects they were going to work in. So long as they met the minimum amount of work for the week. This is possible because most of the learning is done from the workbooks and teaching is done mostly one to one or in small groups.

Because we determined that in order to join the learning experiance a child had to read it was mandatory for children once they reached grade 7 to have scheduled time with students in the Grade 1 and 2 classes to work with them in developing their reading skills as well as with kids up to grade 4 with math.

Once a child had completed a years worth of work it was up to the parent to decide if they wanted the child to continue attending every day so many kids could have a summer holiday of 4 months rather than 2, its called giving a reward if you do well at something.

Another thing we discovered was that there was no need for homework because the kids did so much work in school. In order to document that standards were being met we had the kids do the California Achievement Tests to establish at what Grade level they were at every six months. What we found was that when a child first entered the school they were all either at the expected level or below it. After six months most kids had dropped a little because of the repeated work they had to do to get up to speed. This was expected because of the 80% requirement to move on and many of the kids had advanced in the public school system without mastering previous work they had done. By the beginning of the next school year the majority of students were ahead of the expected Grade level and later were considerably ahead.

It is really hard for a teacher benefit and status building organization like a Teachers Federation to endorse a system like this because it reduces their role so much. Now what do you think about that

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Happy Birthday Sweetie Pies

Two of my grand daughters are having their Birthdays today and the whole crew is assembling at my place for a big pot luck birthday celebration, all 6 of my kids and 13 grandchildren. Was a man ever so blessed. If I can figure out how to post pictures on here I will put some up of the big party.

I've been up to some skullduggery though, the Birthday cake that someone purchased yesterday and I found this morning on the kitchen counter is missing some icing. Somehow some icing detached along one side and a slab fell off, I discovered that you don't just put it back on without doing some serious damage to the cake so I have reversed it in the package and have it now displayed with the wound against the wall so no one can see my fingerprints where I tried to push it back into place. Honest thats what happened, I'm calling it an act of God.

Happy Birthday Ava and Avelyn

Friday, October 07, 2005

Think Before you do Anything

I have been following the saga of the march of the whackos in The Eastern graphic as The Montague Town Council tries to top every succeeding weeks stupidity with yet another mind numbing act. It all started with an order to two of the Towns churches to tear apart a couple of minor building projects they had undertaken without the blessing of the Town fathers. One built a fire escape in case someone was trapped on the second floor of their hall and the second put up a wheel chair ramp to assist those with disabilities have an easier time getting into the church.

I believe they actually have to approve any construction in the town at their monthly council meeting. I can see some problems coming up here. Couldn't be like everyplace else in the world and have permits issued by their administration.

Now maybe they think people in Montague are a bunch of well organized little bees who think things through well in advance and keep everything in their hives in fine trim. This does not describe me and not not many of them either I believe. A building project will drift out of mind on and off for months before I actually start anything and when its time for action it ususally starts on an impulse at about 8 o'clock on a Saturday morning with a time table to complete sometime that afternoon. So if I lived in Montague unless the Town council happened to meet in my front yard at about 8:30 theres not much chance of me getting a permit in time for start time of 9 o'clock. And if I had to wait until the second Monday of the Month and bring my plans in triplicate to get a permit before I start, Schurmans is not going to have a good year.

How hard in a small Town is it to give Pastor John a call and say, nice looking fire escape you built there, could you send in something telling us what you did along with $5.00 and we'll make it nice and legal. Instead the special kind of stupidity shared by bureaucrats, politicians and committees kicked in and a proclomation was issued to remove the offending structures at both churches, then make an application for a permit, and then rebuild what you just tore down. My mother used to remind me to say please when I wanted something and she was pretty successful at getting the point across without any Draconian incidents. I'm lucky one of my parents wasn't a Town Councillor in Montague, I can see it now little Johnny spears another potato and scoffs it down, in Montague he would be forced to throw it up, ask for another potato and then swallow it again.

Not wishing to stop by offending the local Church community these guys turned on themselves. It appears one of them was going to build a shed, so in anticipation of starting a project some bright Saturday morning one of the councilors ordered some trusses and had them delivered to his back yard. Apparently this raised the ire of some of his fellow councillors who must have seen the opportunity for a bit of payback for some snide remark in council chambers and Beck was turned in. He defended himself vigouresly against the might of town council who argued with equal passion that having the material on site was the same as actually starting. I think I'll send them some applications forms to join the flat earth society, these guys are prime candidates for membership. It seems you don't have to actually start building to need a permit in Montague all you have to do is begin assembling the tools. whats the difference between having some lumber dropped off and sitting at your kitchen table sketching up some plans. Both part of the process, what's next, they take away our pencils. Let the wrangling begin, next up, there were renovations done in City hall, guess what, nobody issued a permit. And guess what else, they didn't issue a notice to themselves to tear down what they had done and then apply.

There's an old civil service joke about a guy hanging by his thumbs and a man with a whip looking at him. The caption underneath says " You didn't do anything wrong but you broke our rules." Way to go Richard, Naill, Henry, Hugh, Peter and Beck.

But wait these guys aren't done yet. The local kids and seniors club needed a new floor in the Generation XX clubhouse. They were lucky enough to have some businesses donate enough plywood and tile to put a new one down. Now this is an organization run by volunteers so they did what volunteers do, they put out the call and enough people showed up to tear the old floor out, put the new one down and lay the tile over a weekend so it would be ready for an event that was being planned for next week. Well guess who came to dinner, the grinch himself in the form of the offical by-law enforcer for the Town who immediately whipped out his whanker and pissed all over the parade. "Home you scoundrels"he declared "they're be no good deeds done on my watch." Way to go Montague Town Council.
Just when you think that that stupidity has reached about as low as it can get the councillors start digging again. It was reported in this mornings paper that the application for a permit for the kids club to put their new floor down was turned down at last nights council meeting. They have to leave the torn up floor as it is in an unusable state until the whole thing is appealed to the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission. The Mayor Richard Collins declared council can't issue a permit once a stop work order is issued, this is the fault of his arch enemy the former Mayor( Mrs McGowan who unseats him every second election) because she should have changed the by-law to say they specifically issue a permit. What a fucking bunch of tools.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Charlottetown Council Hates Business

We moved our business about a year ago because we came to the conclusion that the City of Charlottetown hates having businesses downtown. How did I stumble across this,------ simple we got three parking tickets in one day.

Why did we get those tickets you ask-------simple, there is no frigging place to park downtown.

How did I reach this conclusion about the hate -----simple, City council runs the place and if they won't let you park without some bastard in a flourescent yellow vest coming along and screwing up your day, thats if you are unfortunate enough to actually find a spot to facilitate being held for ransom. I was talking with a mild mannered businessman on the street as I was doing my daily sneak into the Post office with feeding a metre and he actually started to stutter as he was telling me about his take on the parking he was so pissed off.

His office is on the lower half of Queen street where council felt it would be quaint to recreate Charlottetown of the 1800's. Great idea if we go back to horses but the recreation is going to require reducing available parking spaces by 27 in a block around his office. the poor bugger is dying now because nobody can find him now without leaving their car at the mall and taking a cab.

And what really pisses everyone off is that in order to do something about the situation they made it worse. New Federal building coming coming downtown and with it comes hundreds of people. Guess what, City council decides they will not require the Feds to follow the Cities Bylaws and supply parking for their employees in a garage on their building site. So they give them a permit with no provision for parking. Its already impossible to find a spot, I can just imagine it in a years time. So what the hell can you do about it, the only answer is start running the town in shifts. We already have some time slots camped on. The drink till you're blind set has Friday and Staurday night reserved and the Federal people invented something called flex hours to make sure their people grab every fuckin parking spot downtown while the rest of us are waiting for a civilized hour to start our days. The feds let their people work a 7 and one half hour day and start any time they want. And the biggest want is to get a parking spot, so they all come into work a 7am and leave at 3pm. Incidentally we really get our monies worth on this one because they get to put an hour and a half of drinking coffee in without anyone disturbing them.

The problem for the business set is that there is no point in bringing in staff at 7 to fight for parking turf because there is no one around to buy anything until about 9:30. But I don't care anymore I'm out on Walker Drive, lots of parking, no metres.