I Think some parts of the Justice System is Insane
I just read a piece in the news that has me literally foaming at the mouth. It concerns Colin Thatcher, the former Saskatchewan Cabinet Minister and rancher who was convicted of killing his wife by a combination of bludgeoning her in the head with a bat and then shooting her. A parole board has just granted him limited parole where he can have unescorted leave from the prison for up to 72 hours.
I bet you think I am going to say "the bastard should never be released for such a cold blooded crime" but I'm not. The thing that has me going is a statement made by one of the corrections officials. It is the same statement made on each occaision he has appeared before a parole board in the past. Here is the deal 'he won't admit that he killed her" and I have no comment on that. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, who knows when we take a look at all the cases in Canada where the court totally fucked up and sent a whole slew of people to jail who were later absolutely 100% proven proven to be innocent.
Here is what it is all about. Thatcher always denied he killed his former wife. That's one of the reasons he has not succeeded in two past attempts to win early parole, by using the "faint hope" application process for those serving life sentences.
Without an admission of guilt, corrections officials say, there can be no real rehabilitation, did they ever take into account that maybe the guy didn't do it, because if that did turn out to be the case then his being denied parole would be because he wouldn't admit to something he didn't do for the purpose of getting out.
Shouldn't parole be based on a combination of serving time for your conviction and the likehood of a person reoffending.
Think back to when you were a kid, was there anything worse than being accused and convicted of doing something you were innocent of.