The Queen of Mean
Everyone leaves some kind of legacy behind them when they die. Its probably something that most of us don't think about until we are to old to effecively do something about it. But that legacy is usually going to fall into one of three categories, either positive, negative or neutral.
I've known some people who fall into the neutral category which may be the greatest indicator of a wasted life. Mostly because it indicates someone who never had any time for anyone but themselves, remained isolated and went through life with no passion or involvement, the best that can be said is they didn't do any damage, but then they never contributed either. There is a parabble in the bible about that its the people that were given talents and one decided to bury theirs and do nothing with it.
Unfortunately I know to many people whose legacy is negative. Lots of those people can be outgoing and pleasant to be around, but when it comes down to it they will have made the lives of others miserable. Adept at political correctness they are worse than those who make no bones about it and are plain unpleasant to people. One marchs down the street amd carries a banner and trumpet making the world aware to keep your distance or I will make you sorry. The other in sheeps clothing lulling everyone into a false sense of security but waiting for the opportunity to slyly spread their special kind of misery around.
I love to surround myself with positive people, those who honestly have a true sense of obligation and compassion for those around them. These people will have slips from time to time but its easy to forgive them because you know they have a good heart.
I hope people remember me for the good things I have done.
Leona Helmsly who recently died at the age of 87 will be remembered as "The Queen of Mean". she was given the tag name during her trial for tax evasion for which she went to prison. Even though she was a legitimate billionaire her true nature was so strong she couldn't help but try and put one over on the IRS. It was revealed that her style was to terrorize the people who worked for her and who needed a job. In the last few years of her life she tried to rectify things by giving away about $30. To little to late though, the "Queen of Mean is what her legacy will be, she should have thought about it earlier.